PHP to Javascript

Application configuration is mostly done in PHP, but a lot of code also runs in the browser, and is powered by JavaScript.

Some PHP configuration patterns have been created to define JavaScript behaviours from a PHP configuration file.

PHP nosActions

$container.nosAction() executes an action bound to a DOM element.

To define an action in PHP:

'action' => array(
        'action' => 'actionName', // nosTabs, nosDialog, confirmationDialog, nosAjax,, document.location...
        // Other keys are array and depends on the actionName

// Example with nostabs
'action' => array(
        'action' => 'nosTabs',
        'tab' => array(
                'url' => 'admin/nos/page/page/insert_update/{{id}}',
                'label' => '{{title}}',

This syntax is used to define actions for:

PHP cellFormatters

Used to format the value displayed in a column of a grid in the Appdesk.

A cellFormatter is an associative array.
You can have multiple cellFormatter, just use arrays.
You can assign a key to a cellFormatter. This way, someone else can delete or modify it by overloading configuration.

Common keys

type:The cellFormatter type. Can one of bold, css, icon, iconClasses or link.
replace:If true, cellFormatter empties the current content.
ignore:Column name to check if we should ignore this cellFormatter for the current item. If '1' (the string containing the digit 1), the cellFormatter will be ignored for this item.



Formats the text in bold. No additional key.


Apply CSS styles to the content.

css:An associative array of all CSS styles to apply.
        'type' => 'css',
        'css' => array(
                'text-align' => 'center',


Prepends an icon to the text, using an URL.

column:Use a data_mapping column to fetch the icon URL.
src:The icon URL.
mapping:A mapping array to fetch URL depending on the value of the column.
size:Force a size in pixels for the icon. Used for both width and height.
        'type' => 'icon',
        'column' => 'column_icon', // URL is retrieved from the 'column_icon' column
        'size' => 16

// Or
        'type' => 'icon',
        'src' => 'static/path/icon.png',

// Or
        'type' => 'icon',
        'mapping' => array(
                '1' => 'static/path/icon-1.png', // If column value is '1', use this URL
                '2' => 'static/path/icon-2.png',


Prepends an icon to the text, using CSS classes.

column:Use a data_mapping column to fetch the icon CSS classes.
classes:The icon CSS classes.
        'type' => 'iconClasses',
        'column' => 'column_icon_classes', // CSS classes are fetch from the 'column_icon_classes' column

// Or
        'type' => 'iconClasses',
        'classes' => 'icon icon-foo',

Custom cellFormatters

It is possible to create custom cellFormatters. You just have to indicate your javascript url in the type key.

Here is a cellFormatter sample allowing you to change the font size of a column.

define(function(require, exports) {
        exports.format = function(formatter, args) {
                        'font-size': 20

Full example

'data_mapping' => array(
        'column_a' => array(
                'title' => 'Column a'
                'cellFormatters' => array(
                        'bold' => array(
                                'type' => 'bold',
                        'center' => array(
                                'type' => 'css',
                                'css' => array(
                                        'text-align' => 'center',
        'column_b' => array(
                'title' => 'Column b'
                'cellFormatters' => array(
                        'icon' => array(
                                'type' => 'icon',
                                'column' => 'column_icon',
                                'size' => 16
        'column_icon' => array(
                value => function($item) {
                        return $item->icon();