Executes an action
Arguments: |
Action: | nosTabs |
Method: | Any sub-function name of $container.nosTabs(). |
Tab: | First parameter passed to sub-function of $container.nosTabs(). |
Dialog: | Second parameter passed to sub-function of $container.nosTabs(). |
action: 'nosTabs',
method: 'add',
tab: {
url: 'path/url',
label: 'A title',
iconUrl: 'url/of/icon.png'
dialog: {
width: 800,
height: 400
Action: | nosDialog |
Dialog: | Second parameter passed to nosDialog.open(). |
action: 'nosDialog',
dialog: {
ajax: true,
contentUrl: 'path/url/,
title: 'A title',
width: 500,
height: 200
A special form of nosAction.nosDialog for confirmation.
Action: | confirmationDialog |
Dialog: | Second parameter passed to nosDialog.open(). |
action: 'confirmationDialog',
dialog: {
contentUrl: 'path/url/,
title: 'A title'
Action: | nosAjax |
Params: | Settings of $container.nosAjax(). |
action: 'nosAjax',
params: {
url: 'path/url',
method: 'POST',
data: {
id: '{{_id}}'
}, {
_id: 5
Open a new browser window.
Action: | window.open |
Url: | URL of the new window. |
action: 'window.open',
url: 'path/url'
Redirects the browser window to a new URL.
Action: | document.location |
Url: | The new URL. |
action: 'document.location',
url: 'path/url'
This action has no parameters. It only depends on the data passed with action. See $.nosMediaVisualise().
Action: | nosMediaVisualise |
action: 'nosMediaVisualise'
}, {
path: 'url/of/media/',
image: true
Action: | dialogPick |
Event: | Name of the event to trigger. |
action: 'dialogPick',
'event' => 'event_name'