Parameters: | |
Returns: | Associative array of all possibles URLs for this item
Parameters: |
Returns: | Absolute URL of item or null if item can’t be displayed in front. |
Parameters: |
Returns: | Absolute canonical URL of item or null if item can’t be displayed in front. |
Alias for ->url(array('canonical' => true)).
If the item is sharable, returns the URL set in the shared data (content nugget).
Returns: | Absolute canonical URL of item, even if it’s not published, or null if item can’t be displayed in the front-office. |
Alias for ->url_canonical(array('preview' => true)).
Delete the cache of the pages containing this item only (this will not delete the cache for the whole enhancer).
Delete the cache of the pages containing an URL enhancer for the item. Warning: this will delete for all the enhancer, not only the pages containing the item.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Returns an HTML anchor tag with, by default, item URL in href and item title in text. |
class Model_Monkey extends \Nos\Orm\Model
protected static $_behaviours = array(
'Nos\Orm_Behaviour_Urlenhancer' => array(
'enhancers' => array('noviusos_monkey'),