Extends Model of FuelPHP ORM.
Novius OS Model have some differences compare with FuelPHP Model :
- Novius OS implements a cache mechanism for properties when they are fetched from the database. By default, cache files are save in NOSPATH/local/cache/fuelphp/list_columns.
- In property definition, put convert_empty_to_null key to true if you want that this property stores a null value when it receives empty string.
Defines the attachments of a model. Attachment is a special type of relations created for Novius OS. See Nos\Attachment.
Array of WYSIWYG keys which are shared by context twins. See WYSIWYG accessor.
Array of media keys which are shared by context twins. See Media accessor.
In Novius OS, you can configure model by a file configuration. For sample: if in your application you define a Model_Monkey class, you can create a file config/model/monkey.config.php to extend configuration. All this attributes can be defined in configuration file : properties, table_name, title_property, observers, behaviours, shared_wysiwygs_context, shared_medias_context and all relations types (has_many, belongs_to, has_one, many_many, twinnable_has_many, twinnable_belongs_to, twinnable_has_one, twinnable_many_many and attachment).
Example in the class definition:
class Model_Example extends \Nos\Orm\Model
// In this example, attachments use defaults properties
protected static $_attachment = array(
'avatar' => array(),
'cv' => array(),
protected static $_behaviours = array(
'Nos\Orm_Behaviour_Contextable' => array(
'events' => array('before_insert'),
'context_property' => 'ex_context',
// In this example, use a column name for defined title_property
protected static $_title_property = 'ex_reference';
Example in configuration file:
return array(
'attachment' => array(
'avatar' => array(
'dir' => 'namespace/model_name/avatar/',
'image' => true,
'alias' => 'avatar',
'curriculum_vitae' => array(
'dir' => 'namespace/model_name/curriculum_vitae/',
'alias' => 'cv',
'extensions' => array('doc', 'odt', 'pdf'),
'check' => array('ClassName', 'methodName'),
'behaviours' => array(
'Nos\Orm_Behaviour_Contextable' => array(
'events' => array('before_insert'),
'context_property' => 'ex_context',
// In this example, use a closure for defined title_property
'title_property' => function($item) {
return $item->ex_reference;
Don’t use these relations directly, we created accessors for them.
Accessor for Nos\Media\Model_Link linked to model.
$item->medias->avatar; // Get a Model_Link named 'avatar'
$item->medias->avatar->media; // Get Model_Media named 'avatar'
$item->medias->cv = $Model_Media; // Attach a Model_Media named 'cv'
$item->medias->cv = null; // Detach a media from an item
// or
Accessor for Nos\Model_Wysiwyg linked to model.
$item->wysiwygs->content; // Get a Model_Wysiwyg named 'content'
$item->wysiwygs->content->wysiwyg_text; // Get content of Model_Wysiwyg named 'content'
$item->wysiwygs->summary = 'foo'; // Set a Model_Wysiwyg named 'content', with content 'foo'.
$item->medias->summary = null; // Remove a wysiwyg from an item
// or
Returns: | Title property of model. See Model::$title_property. |
Returns: | The DB table name of model. |
Parameters: |
Add a relation to model
Parameters: |
Throws: | \FuelException if $type is not a valid one. |
Returns: | Array configurations of the model. |
Returns: | Application name of the model. |
Trigger an event (caught by behaviours) on the item.
Parameters: |
Trigger an event (caught by behaviours) on the model class.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Prefix of column name. Computed from the primary key name (everything before the first _ character). |
Returns: | Returns the item’s title, calculated from Model::$title_property. |
Parameters: |
Returns: | Returns the first non empty column. Will add column prefix (see Model::prefix) when needed. |