Extends Nos\Orm\Model.
Delete the original media file from the disk.
Delete all the cached versions (thumbnails) of the media files from the disk.
Returns: | Private absolute media file path. |
Parameters: |
Returns: | If the media file is an image, return an html image tag of the media. |
Sets width, height, alt attributes is not supplied.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If the media file is an image, return an html image tag of the media resized. |
Sets width, height, alt attributes is not supplied.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Returns an HTML anchor tag with, by default, media URL in href and media title in text. |
Parameters: |
Parameters: |
Returns: | If the media file is an image, media URL for specify size parameters. False otherwise. |
Returns: | True or false, depend if media is an image. |
Returns: | Returns a Nos\Toolkit_Image based on the media if is an image, False otherwise. |