Crud Controller

The CRUD controller is in charge of generating the forms (add, edit & delete) related to an item / model and handling automatically the multilingual / translation problematic.

controller_url:Url of the CRUD controller
model:Which model it generates the form for.
 Relation name. Allows to define a children / parent relationship.
tab:Tab informations (such as the icon & label), see nosTabs
views:Optional. Views locations.
layout:How the form looks like and where fields are displayed inside it. Optional if layout_insert and layout_update are defined.
layout_insert:Optional. Specific layout for insert. Will use layout as default value.
layout_update:Optional. Specific layour for update. Will use layout as default value.
fields:All fields displayed in the form.
return array(
        'controller_url' => '',
'environment_relation' => null,
        'model' => '',
'tab' => array(
    'iconUrl' => '',
    'labels' => array(
        'update' => null,
        'insert' => 'New item',
        'blankSlate' => 'Translate an item',
        'layout' => array(),
        'fields' => array(),
'require_js' => array(),
'views' => array(
    'form' => 'nos::crud/form',
    'delete' => 'nos::crud/delete_popup',


The environment_relation must contain a relation name of type Orm\\BelongsTo.

It allows to use the GET['environment_id'] in an action of this model.

It will be used to populate the column associated with the relation. Examples include:

  • Add a page at a specific location inside the tree (with a pre-selected parent) ;
  • Add a media in a specific folder ;
  • Add a monkey inside a species ;
  • Add an blog post inside a category.

Some examples:

// Add a sub-page action
'action' => array(
    'action' => 'nosTabs',
    'tab' => array(
        // The 'page_parent_id' will be populated with $_GET['environment_id'] from the action
        'url' => '{{controller_base_url}}insert_update?environment_id={{_id}}&context={{_context}}',

// Add a media in this folder action
'action' => array(
    'action' => 'nosTabs',
    'tab' => array(
        // The 'media_folder_id' will be populated with $_GET['environment_id'] from the action
        'url' => '{{controller_base_url}}insert_update?environment_id={{id}}',


See also


The tab configuration array has a special labels key, to handle several label depending on the case.

insert:Adding an new item
blankSlate:Translating an existing item
update:Editing an existing item
  • insert and update must contain plain string value ;
  • update can either contain a plain string value, or a callable taking one argument: the $item ;
  • The default value for labels.update is the item’s title.
return array(
        'tab' => array(
                'iconUrl' => 'static/apps/noviusos_monkey/img/16/monkey.png',
                // Add form will user 'insert'
                // Edit form will use item's title
                // Translate form (multilingual) will use 'blankSlate'
                'labels' => array(
                        'insert' => __('Add a monkey'),
                        'blankSlate' => __('Translate a monkey'),


form:View for the form (both insert and update). Default is nos::crud/form.
delete:View for the delete popup. Default is nos::crud/delete_popup.
insert:Optional. View for the insert form (will use form value as default)
update:Optional. View for the update form (will use form value as default)


The layout is a data passed to the parameters of the view. It list all the views needed to render the form.

There are two syntaxes:

  • the full syntax ;
  • a simplified syntax, which is used 90% of the time.

The full syntax for using a layout is the following:

'layout' => array(
    'first_view' => array(
        'view' => 'nos::form/layout_standard',
        'params' => array(
            // View data (depends on the view).
            'title' => '',
            'content' => '',
    'second_view' => array(
        'view' => 'noviusos_page::admin/page_form',
        // No 'params'
    // More views can be used here.

In addition to view-specific params / data, Novius OS always include the following vars:

  • $item : the instance of the model currently edited (or added / translated).
  • $fieldset : the form instance which holds all fields definition.

Because 90% of the time, we want to use nos::form/layout_standard as the view for the layout, a simplified syntax was created: only write the view params of the standard layout.

It’s much more limitating because you can only use one view to render the layout, and it has to be nos::form/layout_standard. But that’s what should be used 90% of the time.

'layout' => array(
    // View data
    'title' => '',
    'content' => '',

We only need to define the view data for the standard layout, and it will be wrapped like so:

$layout = array(
        'view' => 'nos::form/layout_standard',
        'params' =>  $layout,
// The following...
return array(
        'layout' => array(
                'view_1' => array(
                        'view' => 'nos::form/layout_standard',
                        'params' => array(
            // View data (depends on the view).

// ... is the same as this:
return array(
        'layout' => array(
                // View params for ``nos::form/layout_standard``.

Native views included in Novius OS

  • Used as container for other layouts / views

    • Standard layout: used as a container for other views ;
    • Expander: used inside layout_standard.content in the Pages application ;
  • Used as final views:

    • Fields: used inside layout_standard.content in the User application ;
    • Accordion: used inside in the Pages application.

See also



Contains the fields definition, including:

  • a label ;
  • how the field is displayed: a native HTML <input> or a custom renderer (like date picker or wysiwyg) ;
  • validation rules.

The fields syntax is based on an existing FuelPHP feature, which is used to configure form attributes for each column of a Model.

In addition to standard form fields, Novius OS has renderers, which are a bit more advanced. For instance, they allow to select a media, a page, a date...

Configuration example:

return array(
        'name' => array(
                'label' => 'Text shown next to the field',
                'form' => array(
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'value' => 'Default value',
                'validation' => array(),

Standard fields

Bold text is the value for the type property.

  • <input type=”text“>
  • <input type=”password“>
  • <textarea>
  • <select>
  • <input type=”radio“>
  • <input type=”checkbox“>
  • <input type=”submit“>
  • <input type=”button“>
  • <input type=”file“>
return array(
        'gender' => array(
                'label' => 'Gender',
                'form' => array(
                        'type' => 'select',
                        'options' => array(
                                'm' => 'Male',
                                'f' => 'Female',
                'validation' => array('required'),

<button type=”submit”>

  • type = submit generates <input type="submit">
  • type = button generates <input type="button">

The tag property can be used to force a precise HTML tag, it’s useful for a submit button.

FuelPHP will automatically use the value as the button’s text.

return array(
        'save' => array(
                'form' => array(
                        'type' => 'submit',
                        'tag' => 'button',
                        'value' => 'Save',

Renderers (advanced fields)

The renderer list is available in a dedicated page.