.. _php/behaviours/publishable: Publishable ########### .. php:namespace:: Nos .. php:class:: Orm_Behaviour_Publishable Adds a publication status on a :php:class:`Nos\\Orm\\Model`. 2 modes are available: - Yes / No state ; - Publication depending on start / end dates (yes / no choice remains). Configuration ************* .. php:attr:: publication_state_property Always required, both for the **yes/no** and the **date range** modes. Column used to store the publication state. Its data type must be ``int``: - **0** means not published; - **1** means always published; - **2** means publication depends on a date range (when combining the 2 modes). .. php:attr:: publication_start_property Required for **date range** mode. Column used to store the publication start date. Its data type must be ``datetime``. .. php:attr:: publication_end_property Required for **date range** mode. Column used to store the publication end date. Its data type must be ``datetime``. .. php:attr:: options :allow_publish: Callback function or array of callback functions. If any returns ``false`` then the item will be restricted from publication. Methods ******* .. php:method:: published() :returns: ``true`` or ``false`` depending on whether the item is currently published or not. .. php:method:: planificationStatus() :returns: ``0`` (not published), ``1`` (published) or ``2`` (scheduled). .. php:method:: publicationStart() :returns: the publication start date, MySQL format. .. php:method:: publicationEnd() :returns: the publication end date, MySQL format. Other ***** This behaviour extends :term:`Model->find()`. You can use the ``published`` key in the ``where`` array. Appropriate conditions will be added, according to the configuration of the behaviour. Especially useful with the **date range** mode (and start / end dates). CRUD form --------- If you're using the ``standard_layout`` included in Novius OS, this behaviour will automatically prepend a field in the ``subtitle`` section to select publication status and/or dates (according to the behaviour configuration). Example ******* .. code-block:: php array( 'publication_state_property' => 'page_published', ), ); } $page = Model_Page::find(1); if ($page->published()) { // Do something } .. code-block:: php array( 'publication_state_property' => 'page_published', 'publication_start_property' => 'page_publication_start', 'publication_end_property' => 'page_publication_end', ), ); }