nosUIElement ############ .. js:function:: $.nosUIElement(element [, data ]) :param JSON element: JSON definition of the element to create. :type: ``string``. ``button`` (default) or ``link``. See :js:func:`$container.nosFormUI` for buttons ``data``, those of links are almost the same. :label: ``string``. Element label. :action: ``{}``. Action bound to the click event. See :js:func:`$container.nosAction`. :bind: ``{}``. Event(s) bound to the element. See `$().bind() `__. :disabled: ``boolean`` or ``string``. If ``true`` or ``string``, the element is disabled. If it is a ``string``, it will fill the element's title. :menu: ``{}``. If set, binds a context menu to element. :menus: ``[{}]``. Array containing each menu line. :action: ``{}``. Action bound to the click event of the menu line. See :js:func:`$container.nosAction`. :content: ``string``. HTML content of the menu line. :label: ``string``. Label of the menu line. :icon: Icon name (See `icons name of jQuery UI `__) without the ``ui-icon-`` prefix. :iconClasses: CSS classes of icon. :iconUrl: Icon URL. :options: ``{}``. Settings for `Wijmo widget wijmenu `__. :param JSON data: Data attached to element and passed to action. See :js:func:`$container.nosAction`. :returns: A DOM element detach from DOM. .. code-block:: js $.nosUIElement({ type: 'button', label: 'A button' }, { id: 5 foo: 'bar' }); .. note:: ``content`` and ``label`` are exclusive. You don't need both. Same goes for the ``icon`` (either use a name, CSS classes or an URL).