.. _php/views/form_accordion: Accordion --------- View path: ``nos::form/accordion`` .. seealso:: `Wijmo Accordion `__ For each accordion, you can either set: - a **view** + **params** pair ; - or a **fields** list. **Params**: :accordions: A list of accordions :title: Optional. Default value is *empty string*. :view: Optional. Path to a view. :params: Optional. Data for the ``view``. :fields: Optional. A list of field names. :field_template: Optional. Template to wrap each field. Default value is ``


`` :header_class: Optional. CSS classes for the ``

`` tag. :content_class: Optional. CSS classes for the ``
`` panel. :show_when_empty: Optional. Default false. Should the panel be displayed if there is no content inside of it?