.. _php/configuration/crud: Crud Controller ############### The CRUD controller is in charge of generating the forms (add, edit & delete) related to an item / model and handling automatically the multilingual / translation problematic. :controller_url: Url of the CRUD controller. :css: Optional. List of css file to load in order to add specific styles. :model: Which model it generates the form for. :environment_relation: Relation name. Allows to define a children / parent relationship. :tab: Tab informations (such as the icon & label), see :ref:`javascript/$/nosAction/nosTabs` :views: Optional. Views locations. :layout: How the form looks like and where fields are displayed inside it. Optional if `layout_insert` and `layout_update` are defined. :layout_insert: Optional. Specific layout for insert. Will use ``layout`` as default value. :layout_update: Optional. Specific layour for update. Will use ``layout`` as default value. :fields: All fields displayed in the form. .. code-block:: php '', 'environment_relation' => null, 'model' => '', 'tab' => array( 'iconUrl' => '', 'labels' => array( 'update' => null, 'insert' => 'New item', 'blankSlate' => 'Translate an item', ), ), 'layout' => array(), 'fields' => array(), 'require_js' => array(), 'views' => array( 'form' => 'nos::crud/form', 'delete' => 'nos::crud/delete_popup', ), ); environment_relation ******************** The ``environment_relation`` must contain a relation name of type ``Orm\\BelongsTo``. It allows to use the ``GET['environment_id']`` in an action of this model. It will be used to populate the column associated with the relation. Examples include: - Add a page at a specific location inside the tree (with a pre-selected parent) ; - Add a media in a specific folder ; - Add a monkey inside a species ; - Add an blog post inside a category. **Some examples**: .. code-block:: php array( 'action' => 'nosTabs', 'tab' => array( // The 'page_parent_id' will be populated with $_GET['environment_id'] from the action 'url' => '{{controller_base_url}}insert_update?environment_id={{_id}}&context={{_context}}', ), ), // Add a media in this folder action 'action' => array( 'action' => 'nosTabs', 'tab' => array( // The 'media_folder_id' will be populated with $_GET['environment_id'] from the action 'url' => '{{controller_base_url}}insert_update?environment_id={{id}}', ), ), tab **** .. seealso:: :ref:`javascript/$/nosAction/nosTabs` The ``tab`` configuration array has a special ``labels`` key, to handle several ``label`` depending on the case. :insert: Adding an new item :blankSlate: Translating an existing item :update: Editing an existing item - ``insert`` and ``update`` must contain plain ``string`` value ; - ``update`` can either contain a plain ``string`` value, or a ``callable`` taking one argument: the ``$item`` ; - The default value for ``labels.update`` is the item's title. .. code-block:: php array( 'iconUrl' => 'static/apps/noviusos_monkey/img/16/monkey.png', // Add form will user 'insert' // Edit form will use item's title // Translate form (multilingual) will use 'blankSlate' 'labels' => array( 'insert' => __('Add a monkey'), 'blankSlate' => __('Translate a monkey'), ), ), ); views ***** :form: View for the form (both insert and update). Default is ``nos::crud/form``. :delete: View for the delete popup. Default is ``nos::crud/delete_popup``. :insert: Optional. View for the insert form (will use ``form`` value as default) :update: Optional. View for the update form (will use ``form`` value as default) layout ****** The ``layout`` is a data passed to the parameters of the view. It list all the views needed to render the form. There are two syntaxes: - the full syntax ; - a simplified syntax, which is used 90% of the time. .. _php/configuration/crud/layout: The **full syntax** for using a layout is the following: .. code-block:: php array( 'first_view' => array( 'view' => 'nos::form/layout_standard', 'params' => array( // View data (depends on the view). 'title' => '', 'content' => '', ), ), 'second_view' => array( 'view' => 'noviusos_page::admin/page_form', // No 'params' ), // More views can be used here. ), In addition to view-specific params / data, Novius OS always include the following vars: * ``$item`` : the instance of the model currently edited (or added / translated). * ``$fieldset`` : the form instance which holds all fields definition. Because 90% of the time, we want to use ``nos::form/layout_standard`` as the view for the layout, a **simplified syntax** was created: only write the view ``params`` of the standard layout. It's much more limitating because you can only use one view to render the layout, and it has to be ``nos::form/layout_standard``. But that's what should be used 90% of the time. .. code-block:: php array( // View data 'title' => '', 'content' => '', ), We only need to define the view data for the standard layout, and it will be wrapped like so: .. code-block:: php 'nos::form/layout_standard', 'params' => $layout, ), ); .. code-block:: php array( 'view_1' => array( 'view' => 'nos::form/layout_standard', 'params' => array( // View data (depends on the view). ), ), ), ); // ... is the same as this: return array( 'layout' => array( // View params for ``nos::form/layout_standard``. ), ); Native views included in Novius OS ---------------------------------- - Used as **container** for other layouts / views * :ref:`php/views/form/layout_standard`: used as a container for other views ; * :ref:`php/views/form_expander`: used inside ``layout_standard.content`` in the Pages application ; - Used as **final** views: * :ref:`php/views/form_fields`: used inside ``layout_standard.content`` in the User application ; * :ref:`php/views/form_accordion`: used inside ``layout_standard.menu`` in the Pages application. .. seealso:: :doc:`/php/views/index` .. _php/configuration/application/crud/fields: fields ****** Contains the fields definition array. The ``fields`` syntax is based on an existing FuelPHP feature, which is used to configure form attributes for each column of a Model : .. seealso:: `FuelPHP documentation on Model::$_properties `__ In addition to standard form fields, Novius OS has :ref:`renderers `, which are a bit more advanced. For instance, they allow to select a media, a page, a date... The field name is determined using the key. Then, for each field: :label: Text for the label. Won't be shown for hidden fields :form: ``array`` Attributes of the tag :renderer: Class name of a renderer :renderer_options: (optional) ``array`` Options for the renderer :validation: (optional) ``array`` rules used to validate the field. :expert: (optional) ``boolean`` Should the field be visible only to expert users? Default ``false``. :show_when: (optional) ``callable`` Custom callback function to alter the visibility of the field. Must return ``true`` for the field to be shown. :populate: (optional) ``callable`` Custom callback function to set value(s) of the field. Takes the item as param. :before_save: (optional) ``callable`` Custom callback function to perform changes on the field before saving it. Takes the item and validated POST content as params. To choose how the field is displayed, you only need to specify either ``form`` (a native HTML ````) or a ``renderer`` (like a date picker or a wysiwyg), you don't need both. If both keys are filled, the renderer will be used to display the field (and the ``form`` key will be ignored). Configuration example: .. code-block:: php array( 'label' => 'Text shown next to the field', 'form' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'Default value', ), 'validation' => array(), ); Advanced configuration example: .. code-block:: php $label ... ); return array( 'name' => array( 'label' => 'Text shown next to the field', 'form' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $options, ), 'populate' => function($item) { //example: returns the id of a related model return $item->relation->rel_id; }, 'before_save' => function($item, $data) { //example: set relation properly unset($item->relation); if (!empty($data['name']) { $item->relation = Model::find($data['name']); } } ); Standard fields ---------------- Bold text is the value for the ``type`` property. * * * <**textarea**> * <**select**> * * * * * .. code-block:: php array( 'label' => 'Gender', 'form' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array( 'm' => 'Male', 'f' => 'Female', ) ), 'validation' => array('required'), ), );