Form Application




Triggered by the enhancer before displaying the form to the user.

Allows to modify the $fields and the $layout. The $item (Model_Form instance) and $enhancer_args (label_position, etc.) variables are read-only.

  • $params (array) –
    &$fields:Fields list
    label:Callback used to generate the label
    callback:string Callback function name
    args:array Callback function args
    field:Callback used to generate the field
    callback:string Callback function name
    args:array Callback function args
    instructions:Callback used to generate the instructions
    callback:string Callback function name
    args:array Callback function args
    new_row:bool Should the field be on a new row?
    new_page:bool Should the field be on a new page?
    width:int Column size (value between 1 and 4)
    item:Model_Field Field instance
    &$layout:string Path to the view used to render the form
    $item:Model_Form Form instance

Event::register_function('noviusos_form::rendering', function(array &$args)
    $fields =& $args['fields'];
    $layout =& $args['layout'];
    $form   =  $args['item']; // Instance of Nos\Form\Model_Form
    $enhancer_args = $args['enhancer_args'];

    // This is an exemple of what $layout contains
    $layout = 'noviusos_form::foundation';

    foreach ($fields as &$field) {

        // This is an example of what $field contains
        $field = array(
            'label' => array(
                'callback' => array('Form', 'label'),
                'args' => array('Label:', 'technical_id', array(
                    'for' => 'field_technical_id',
            'field' => array(
                'callback' => array('Form', 'input'),
                'args' => array('field_name', 'field_value', array(
                    'id'          => 'field_technical_id',
                    'class'       => 'field_technical_css',
                    'title'       => 'Label:',
                    'placeholder' => 'Label:',
                    'required'    => 'required',
            'instructions' => array(
                'callback' => 'html_tag',
                'args' => array('p', array('class' => 'instructions'), 'Instructions for the user'),
            'new_row' => true,
            'new_page' => true,
            'width' => 4,
            'item' => $item, // Instance of Nos\Form\Model_Field

    // ...


Same as noviusos_form::rendering, but only triggered for a form with the specified <virtual_name>.



This function must return an array containing the detected validation errors.

noviusos_form::data_validation(&$data, $fields, $form)

Additional data validation after submitting a form from the Form application.

  • &$data (array) – Received data (roughly $_POST)
  • $fields (object) – Array of Model_Field Field instance, field names in keys
  • $form (object) – Model_Form Form instance
Return array:

List of validation errors


Event::register_function('noviusos_form::data_validation', function(&$data, $fields, $form) {

    $errors = array();
    // This will mark all fields as error
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
        $errors[$name] = '{{label}}: ‘{{value}}’ non valid.';
    return $errors;

The messages can contain the {{label}} and {{value}} placeholders (they will be replaced appropriately).


Same as noviusos_form::data_validation, but only triggered for a form with the specified <virtual_name>.


noviusos_form::before_submission(&$data, $form, $enhancer_args)

Before saving the answer in the database

  • &$data (array) – Received data (to save in DB)
  • $form (object) – Model_Form Form instance
  • $enhancer_args (array) – Enhancer configuration
Return bool:

false to prevent saving the answer in the database


Event::register_function('noviusos_form::before_submission', function(&$data, $form, $enhancer_args) {

    // You can alter $data before saving them into the database

    // Or you can return 'false' if you don't want the answer to be saved in the database
    return false;


Same as noviusos_form::before_submission, but only triggered for a form with the specified <virtual_name>.



After the answer has been created (not saved in the DB yet)

  • $params (array) –
    $answer:Model_Answer Answer instance
    $enhancer_args:Array, enhancer configuration

Event::register('noviusos_form::after_submission', function($params) {

    $answer = $params['answer'];
    $enhancer_args = $params['enhancer_args'];
    // ...


Same as noviusos_form::after_submission, but only triggered for a form with the specified <virtual_name>.