
The metadata.config.php file is how an application is defined. It tells what contains the application and what it does.

The most important keys are:

name:The name of the application.
namespace:In which PHP namespace all the classes of the application must be defined.
icons:In the 3 standard sizes 16*16, 32*32 and 64*64.
requires:Optional. Which applications does your application requires. Array or string (in the last case, considered as an array with a unique element).

return array(
    'name'      => 'Webpages',
    'namespace' => 'Nos\Page',
    'version'   => '0.2',
    'provider'  => array(
        'name'  => 'Novius OS',
    'extends' => array(
        // Optional,
    'requires' => array(
        // Optional
    'icons' => array(
        64 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/64/page.png',
        32 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/32/page.png',
        16 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/16/page.png',
    'permission' => array(
        // Empty array for now. Leave it.
    'i18n_file' => 'noviusos_page::metadata',
    'launchers' => array(
        // Optional
    'enhancers' => array(
        // Optional
    'templates' => array(
        // Optional
    'data_catchers' => array(
        // Optional

An application provides:


Application can extend other applications. The scope of the extension depends on the configuration you provide. The value of the extends key can be an associative array:

application:Application that is extended
 Optional, default value is true. Boolean defining if configuration files are extended (the extended application’s configuration files are recursively merged with those of the extending application).


A launcher is an icon on the home tab.

A launcher is defined by an associative array. Key is launcher ID, launcher properties is an associative array:

name:Text to display for the icon.
icon:Optional. URL to a 64*64 image, default will use the 64*64 icon of the app.
action:What is done when clicking on the launcher. See PHP nosActions.

return array(
    'launchers' => array(
        'noviusos_page' => array(
            'name' => 'Webpages',
            // 'icon' is not set, so the default icon will be used
            'action' => array(
                // open a tab
                'action' => 'nosTabs',
                'tab' => array(
                    'url' => 'admin/noviusos_page/appdesk/index',
                    // 'iconUrl' is not set, so the default icon will be used


Enhancers are used in WYSIWYG editors. They provide functionalities for the front-office.

For example, the ‘Forms’ application allows users to insert forms in their web pages (using an enhancer).

URL enhancers, a specific type of enhancers, handle their own URLs. For example, every blog post has an URL.

The ‘Form’ enhancer

An enhancer is defined with:

title:Title of the enhancer displayed when opening the ‘Application’ menu from the wysiwyg.
desc:Optional. Description of the enhancer.
iconUrl:Optional. URL to a 16*16 icon, displayed when opening the ‘Application’ menu from the wysiwyg, default will use the 16*16 icon of the app ;
enhancer:URL of the front-office controller used to render the enhancer.
urlEnhancer:Same that enhancer.Only one of the two keys can is used, depending if you want an URL enhancer or just a plain regular enhancer.
previewUrl:Optional. URL of the controller used to render the preview in the wysiwyg.
dialog:Optional. If you want a configuration popup, URL of the controller used to display and save the enhancer configuration. See $container.nosDialog() for the list of parameters.
Optional. A callback function to check if the enhancer is available for a specific container.
If the function returns false, the enhancer won’t be available.
The function takes two parameters: the enhancer’s configuration and the container instance.

return array(
    'noviusos_form' => array(
        'title' => 'Form',
        'desc'  => '',
        // Here it's just a regular enhancer
        'enhancer' => 'noviusos_form/front/main',
        //'urlEnhancer' => 'noviusos_form/front/main',
        'iconUrl' => 'static/apps/noviusos_form/img/icons/form-16.png',
        // We'll use our controller to generate the preview
        'previewUrl' => 'admin/noviusos_form/enhancer/preview',
        // And the user has to configure it
        'dialog' => array(
            'contentUrl' => 'admin/noviusos_form/enhancer/popup',
            'width' => 450,
            'height' => 400,
            'ajax' => true,
        // The callback function which check availability of the enhancer
        'valid_container' => 'validContainer',

// In this example, the enhancer won't be available in WYSIWYGs of monkeys.
function validContainer($enhencer, $container)
    $container_class = get_class($container);
    return $container_class !== 'Nos\Monkey\Model_Monkey';


Templates are similar to other CMS’ templates or themes. They provide a layout for the front-office.

In Novius OS, a template contains one or more WYSIWYG editable area(s), which are is placed inside a grid.

The grid has a size of cols * rows, and each editable area is positioned using absolute coordinates (it’s similar to position: absolute in CSS).

Each WYSIWYG editable area has:

  • a name: it’s the key in the layout array (see below) ;
  • a position: absolute coordinates inside the grid (similar to left and top in CSS) ;
  • a size: similar to width and height in CSS.

In the end, a template is defined with:


path to the template file (it’s a view)


title of the template, it’s shown when selecting a template for a page


grid width (in units)


grid height (in units)


list of the WYSIWYG editors inside the grid :

  • the key is the name of the WYSIWYG ;

  • the value is a comma-separated string containing (in this order) :

    • the left position (0-indexed) ;
    • the top position (0-indexed) ;
    • the width (in units) ;
    • the height (in units).

Here’s an example:


return array(
    'templates' => array(
        'top_menu' => array(
            'file' => 'noviusos_templates_basic::top_menu',
            'title' => 'Default template with a top menu',
            'cols' => 1,
            'rows' => 1,
            'layout' => array(
                // There is one WYSIWYG named 'content'
                // Position inside the grid: <left>,<top>,<width>,<height>
                'content' => '0,0,1,1',

Data catchers

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